Dental Bridges in Aurora

Dental Bridges in Yongue Street Aurora

While a dental crown is used to cover a single tooth, a dental bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth. A bridge is essentially a "false tooth" that is secured by its surrounding teeth. Keep in mind that the teeth and gums on either side of the tooth being replaced need to be healthy for this procedure to be successful.

Dental bridges from our Smiles Dental Aurora dentistry look and feel just like natural teeth and don't move when eating or speaking, so you and others will barely notice that the bridge is there!

The Dental Bridges Procedure

Firstly, our Aurora dentist Dr. Shasha will assess your mouth to determine if your teeth are healthy enough to support a dental bridge. If they are, she will shape the surrounding teeth so they can support the bridge and send impressions of your teeth to the lab. When you come back in a few weeks, our Aurora dental team will install the bridge and adjust it for the most comfort. You may need to come back for a few visits to ensure the bridge works and feels how it is supposed to.

If you are missing teeth and would benefit from dental bridges or crowns, contact our dental office in Aurora today!

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