TMJ & TMD Disorders in Aurora

TMJ/TMD Treatment in Aurora

Do you ever get a dull aching pain in your jaw joint?
Is it uncomfortable to open your mouth? Does your jaw ever click or pop?
You could be suffering from a TMJ/TMD disorder. Dr. Shasha offers TMJ/TMD treatment at Smiles Dental Aurora.

TMJ/TMD Disorders

TMJ, commonly referred to as a temporomandibular joint, connects the jaw to the skull, by means of the temporal bones which are found in front of the ears. Everyone has two temporomandibular joints which allow us to open and close our mouths when eating, speaking, or swallowing. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jaw to your skull on each side of your head. It's an important joint that manages your speech, chewing, and swallowing. Disorders associated with this area are referred to as temporomandibular disorders (TMD), and if you're noticing severe pain or discomfort in your jaw, neck, or face, it could be a sign of TMD.

What causes TMJ?

There is no particular cause of TMD. There are a lot of theories for the causes of this disorder. Some dentists believe that TMD can be caused by issues related to the jaw muscle or other defective parts of the joint itself. Other reasons that could contribute to TMD include:

  • Bad habits such as grinding or clenching teeth
  • Stress and anxiety which often makes people tighten their jaw or clench their teeth
  • A physical injury such as a heavy blow on the neck or head can also damage the joint
  • Arthritis in the TMJ
  • When the disc between the ball and the socket of the TMJ moves
Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorders
  • Pain and tenderness, especially in the neck, shoulders and jaw point
  • Stiff or limited movement of the jaws
  • Difficulty in talking, chewing or opening the mouth
  • Locked jaws or difficulty opening jaws
  • Clicking or popping sounds from the jaw joints
  • Ear pain
  • Sore muscles or headaches
  • Hearing difficulties
  • Dizziness
  • Toothaches
TMJ Treatment

At Smile Dental Aurora, we offer a comprehensive check-up to ensure your dental health. Our Aurora dental team will examine your temporomandibular joints for any pain or tenderness and check for any unusual sounds during jaw movement. If necessary, our dentist in Aurora may recommend a panoramic X-ray of your jaw to get a detailed view of your entire jaw and rule out any underlying issues. In some cases, a specialist consultation may be required. Based on our thorough diagnosis, our Aurora specialist, Dr. Shasha will create a personalized treatment plan that includes therapy to reduce stress on the joint and improve alignment for greater comfort.

At Smile Dental Aurora, our professional dentist, Dr. Shasha, and the team recommend the following protocols:

  • Bite Splint (These are dental devices which are worn over the teeth and could help patients relieve the pain of TMD. They offer a non-invasive option for dealing with this disorder.)
  • Eating soft foods
  • Applying ice for the first 48 hours
  • Moist heat after 48 hours
  • Avoiding extreme opening of the jaw (such as wide yawning, loud singing)
  • No gum chewing
  • Stress release – hot bath before bedtime, or medication as required

If you have any questions regarding TMJ or TMD disorders, contact us today at Smiles Dental Aurora!

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