Digital X-Rays in Aurora

Dental Xrays in Aurora

At Smiles Dental Aurora, we provide cosmetic enhancement services to give you a stunningly natural smile. Our advanced technology allows us to craft porcelain fillings, onlays, and crowns that satisfy your individual needs. Our Aurora dental team utilizes modern Computerized Case Planning systems to give you a tailored treatment plan that meets your desires.

Our Computerized Insurance Transfer system guarantees that you get your reimbursements quickly and efficiently. It handles your claim with unprecedented speed. Our Aurora professional, Dr. Shasha, can utilize our Digital Photography equipment to assess your case even if you're not around. With the click of a button, you can easily see the progress from before to after.

Digital Dental X-Rays

At Smiles Dental Aurora's office, we prioritize the safety and highest quality of care for our patients. Our office uses digital X-rays to aid in your oral health care. Instead of using traditional film X-rays, digital X-rays have electronic sensors which take images and store them in a computer where they can be viewed immediately by you and your dentist in the clinic or quickly shared with someone else.

With digital X-rays, we can achieve the following benefits for your oral health:

  • Find decay and abnormalities between teeth and below the gum line
  • Monitor the effects of periodontal conditions
  • Monitor your jawbone and the position of your teeth
  • Monitor areas of concern before they become a problem
  • Detect any growths or abnormality in your jawbone that may be a sign something more serious
  • Get a complete picture of your teeth in relation to each other and your mouth (both inside and out)

One of the notable advantages of digital X-rays is their extremely low radiation levels, ensuring your safety while providing efficient imaging. Digital X-rays eliminate the need for film printing, making them more environmentally friendly. They are able to provide our Aurora dentists with significant information on the condition of your teeth and gums. They are extremely valuable tools in the diagnosis and treatment of dental issues and allow our Smiles Dental Aurora team to detect any problems and prevent any further complications.

To learn more about our utilization of digital X-rays and how they contribute to our exceptional care at Smiles Dental Aurora, book an appointment with our Aurora dentists at Smiles Dental Aurora!

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